Articles | Volume 62
18 Oct 2023
 | 18 Oct 2023

Uranium migration lengths in Opalinus Clay depend on geochemical gradients, radionuclide source term concentration and pore water composition

Theresa Hennig and Michael Kühn

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Adv. Geosci., 58, 11–18,,, 2022
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Uranium migration through the Swiss Opalinus Clay varies on the metre scale in response to differences of the stability constant of the aqueous, ternary uranyl complex Ca2UO2(CO3)3
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Short summary
Uranium migration for a close to real case situation is quantified with reactive transport simulations using input data from the deep geothermal borehole Schlattingen, which is near the targeted area in Switzerland, and including the effect of the multi-barrier system on the source term. The hydrogeological system must always be considered in safety assessments since adjacent aquifers have a major impact on the pore water geochemistry, and hence sorption processes.