Articles | Volume 50
20 Oct 2020
 | 20 Oct 2020

Stochastic noise modelling of kinematic orbit positions in the Celestial Mechanics Approach

Martin Lasser, Ulrich Meyer, Daniel Arnold, and Adrian Jäggi

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Baur, O., Bock, H., Höck, E., Jäggi, A., Krauss, S., Mayer-Gürr, T., Reubelt, T., Siemes, C., and Zehentner, N.: Comparison of GOCE-GPS gravity fields derived by different approaches, J. Geodesy, 88, 959–973,, 2014. a
Beutler, G., Jäggi, A., Mervart, L., and Meyer, U.: The celestial mechanics approach: theoretical foundations, J. Geodesy, 84, 605–624,, 2010. a
Bock, H., Dach, R., Jäggi, A., and Beutler, G.: High-rate GPS clock corrections from CODE: support of 1 Hz applications, J. Geodesy, 83, 1083,, 2009. a
Dach, R., Brockmann, E., Schaer, S., Beutler, G., Meindl, M., Prange, L., Bock, H., Jäggi, A., and Ostini, L.: GNSS processing at CODE: status report, Jo. Geodesy, 83, 353–365,, 2009. a
Dach, R., Lutz, S., Walser, P., and Fridez, F.: Bernese GPS software version 5.2, Documentation, University of Bern, Bern Open Publishing,, 2015. a
Short summary
We compute gravity field solutions from kinematic orbit positions of GRACE. These positions are derived from GPS based observations, and hence, they are contaminated by measurement noise. We present three methods of dealing with the noise in the data to obtain not only high-quality gravity field solutions but also an accurate quality information of the gravity fields.