Articles | Volume 49
06 Aug 2019
 | 06 Aug 2019

Boundary condition control on inter-aquifer flow in the subsurface of Berlin (Germany) – new insights from 3-D numerical modelling

Maximilian Frick, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Mauro Cacace, and Michael Schneider

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3-D Simulations of Groundwater Utilization in an Urban Catchment of Berlin, Germany
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Cited articles

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Short summary
The study presented in this paper aims at reproducing findings from chemical and isotopic groundwater sample analysis along with quantifying the influence of regional (cross-boundary) flow for the area of Berlin, Germany. For this purpose we built 3-D models of the subsurface, populating them with material parameters (e.g. porosity, permeability) and solving them for coupled fluid and heat transport. Special focus was given to the setup of boundary conditions, i.e. fixed pressure at the sides.