Storm Tilo over Europe in November 2007: storm surge and impacts on societal and energy infrastructure
Anthony James Kettle
Department of Geography, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland
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Anthony J. Kettle
Adv. Geosci., 65, 83–101,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
Storm Daria was a severe winter storm that crossed northern Europe on 25–26 January 1990 with large damage costs and fatalities. A literature review is presented of societal damage and the interruption of energy and transport networks. Met-ocean data is analyzed to see if there might have been rogue wave strikes in the North Sea. This includes careful analysis of tide gauge data from stations around the North Sea as well as available offshore wave measurements and maritime accidents.
Anthony J. Kettle
Adv. Geosci., 62, 41–55,,, 2023
Short summary
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The paper reviews the societal and energy impacts of Storm Franz in Europe on 11–12 November 2007. An analysis is conducted of tide gauges around the North Sea to trace the progression of the storm surge and assess if the surge passage was associated with large measured waves and maritime casualties. A North Sea rogue wave incident had occurred on 1 November 2006, causing damage to the FINO1 research tower, and it is unclear how prevalent these waves are during North Sea storms.
Anthony J. Kettle
Adv. Geosci., 58, 135–147,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
Storm Kyrill in January 2007 was one of the worst storms in northern Europe over the past 50 years. The paper presents an overview of the infrastructure and societal impacts of the storm from a compilation of media sources. Energy meteorology impacts were prominent in the large number of power cuts in Europe. An analysis is made of tide gauge data around the North Sea to assess if there had been a recurrence of the rogue wave event at FINO1 from Storm Britta on 1 November 2006.
Anthony J. Kettle
Adv. Geosci., 56, 141–153,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Storm Anatol was a serious winter storm of northern Europe on 3–4 December 1999.
There were hurricane force winds in Denmark leading large scale power outages,
closed road networks, and building damage. There was also a serious storm surge
along the North Sea coasts of Denmark, Germany, and Netherlands. A detailed analysis
of tide gauge data around the North Sea is carried out to study the storm surge and short period fluctuations of water level, which may be linked with large waves.
Anthony James Kettle
Adv. Geosci., 54, 137–147,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
Storm Xaver in December 2013 had a high gust field that caused transportation and energy infrastructure impacts in northern Europe. There was a strong storm surge across the North Sea basin that was higher than the 1 Feb 1953 surge in certain places. For some stations in the UK and Denmark, water levels exceeded the 1000 year return period level. Similar to previous winter storms, there is an indication of large waves in coastal areas with potential impacts on offshore energy infrastructure.
Anthony James Kettle
Adv. Geosci., 45, 273–279,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
Storm Britta on 31 October–1 November 2006 was an important North Sea storm with a high surge along the coast of the Netherlands and Germany and a significant number of high wave reports. The paper presents an analysis of the national tide gauge records of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark to track the storm surge around the North Sea and extract the short period component that may be linked with large coastal wave strikes.
Anthony J. Kettle
Adv. Geosci., 65, 83–101,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
Storm Daria was a severe winter storm that crossed northern Europe on 25–26 January 1990 with large damage costs and fatalities. A literature review is presented of societal damage and the interruption of energy and transport networks. Met-ocean data is analyzed to see if there might have been rogue wave strikes in the North Sea. This includes careful analysis of tide gauge data from stations around the North Sea as well as available offshore wave measurements and maritime accidents.
Anthony J. Kettle
Adv. Geosci., 62, 41–55,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
The paper reviews the societal and energy impacts of Storm Franz in Europe on 11–12 November 2007. An analysis is conducted of tide gauges around the North Sea to trace the progression of the storm surge and assess if the surge passage was associated with large measured waves and maritime casualties. A North Sea rogue wave incident had occurred on 1 November 2006, causing damage to the FINO1 research tower, and it is unclear how prevalent these waves are during North Sea storms.
Anthony J. Kettle
Adv. Geosci., 58, 135–147,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
Storm Kyrill in January 2007 was one of the worst storms in northern Europe over the past 50 years. The paper presents an overview of the infrastructure and societal impacts of the storm from a compilation of media sources. Energy meteorology impacts were prominent in the large number of power cuts in Europe. An analysis is made of tide gauge data around the North Sea to assess if there had been a recurrence of the rogue wave event at FINO1 from Storm Britta on 1 November 2006.
Anthony J. Kettle
Adv. Geosci., 56, 141–153,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Storm Anatol was a serious winter storm of northern Europe on 3–4 December 1999.
There were hurricane force winds in Denmark leading large scale power outages,
closed road networks, and building damage. There was also a serious storm surge
along the North Sea coasts of Denmark, Germany, and Netherlands. A detailed analysis
of tide gauge data around the North Sea is carried out to study the storm surge and short period fluctuations of water level, which may be linked with large waves.
Anthony James Kettle
Adv. Geosci., 54, 137–147,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
Storm Xaver in December 2013 had a high gust field that caused transportation and energy infrastructure impacts in northern Europe. There was a strong storm surge across the North Sea basin that was higher than the 1 Feb 1953 surge in certain places. For some stations in the UK and Denmark, water levels exceeded the 1000 year return period level. Similar to previous winter storms, there is an indication of large waves in coastal areas with potential impacts on offshore energy infrastructure.
Anthony James Kettle
Adv. Geosci., 45, 273–279,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
Storm Britta on 31 October–1 November 2006 was an important North Sea storm with a high surge along the coast of the Netherlands and Germany and a significant number of high wave reports. The paper presents an analysis of the national tide gauge records of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark to track the storm surge around the North Sea and extract the short period component that may be linked with large coastal wave strikes.
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