Articles | Volume 57
18 May 2022
 | 18 May 2022

Portable two-filter dual-flow-loop 222Rn detector: stand-alone monitor and calibration transfer device

Scott D. Chambers, Alan D. Griffiths, Alastair G. Williams, Ot Sisoutham, Viacheslav Morosh, Stefan Röttger, Florian Mertes, and Annette Röttger

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Direct high-precision radon quantification for interpreting high frequency greenhouse gas measurements
Dafina Kikaj, Edward Chung, Alan D. Griffiths, Scott D. Chambers, Grant Foster, Angelina Wenger, Penelope Pickers, Chris Rennick, Simon O'Doherty, Joseph Pitt, Kieran Stanley, Dickon Young, Leigh S. Fleming, Karina Adcock, and Tim Arnold
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for AMT
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Characterizing the automatic radon flux transfer standard system Autoflux: laboratory calibration and field experiments
Claudia Grossi, Daniel Rabago, Scott Chambers, Carlos Sáinz, Roger Curcoll, Peter P. S. Otáhal, Eliška Fialová, Luis Quindos, and Arturo Vargas
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 2655–2672,,, 2023
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Measurement report: Understanding the seasonal cycle of Southern Ocean aerosols
Ruhi S. Humphries, Melita D. Keywood, Jason P. Ward, James Harnwell, Simon P. Alexander, Andrew R. Klekociuk, Keiichiro Hara, Ian M. McRobert, Alain Protat, Joel Alroe, Luke T. Cravigan, Branka Miljevic, Zoran D. Ristovski, Robyn Schofield, Stephen R. Wilson, Connor J. Flynn, Gourihar R. Kulkarni, Gerald G. Mace, Greg M. McFarquhar, Scott D. Chambers, Alastair G. Williams, and Alan D. Griffiths
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 3749–3777,,, 2023
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The contribution of coral-reef-derived dimethyl sulfide to aerosol burden over the Great Barrier Reef: a modelling study
Sonya L. Fiddes, Matthew T. Woodhouse, Steve Utembe, Robyn Schofield, Simon P. Alexander, Joel Alroe, Scott D. Chambers, Zhenyi Chen, Luke Cravigan, Erin Dunne, Ruhi S. Humphries, Graham Johnson, Melita D. Keywood, Todd P. Lane, Branka Miljevic, Yuko Omori, Alain Protat, Zoran Ristovski, Paul Selleck, Hilton B. Swan, Hiroshi Tanimoto, Jason P. Ward, and Alastair G. Williams
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 2419–2445,,, 2022
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Summer aerosol measurements over the East Antarctic seasonal ice zone
Jack B. Simmons, Ruhi S. Humphries, Stephen R. Wilson, Scott D. Chambers, Alastair G. Williams, Alan D. Griffiths, Ian M. McRobert, Jason P. Ward, Melita D. Keywood, and Sean Gribben
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 9497–9513,,, 2021
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Cited articles

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Chambers, S. D., Hong, S.-B., Williams, A. G., Crawford, J., Griffiths, A. D., and Park, S.-J.: Characterising terrestrial influences on Antarctic air masses using Radon-222 measurements at King George Island, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 9903–9916,, 2014. 
Short summary
There is a growing need in health and climate research for high-quality radon observations. A variety of radon monitors, with different uncertainties, operate across global networks. Better compatibility between the measurements is required. Here we describe a novel, portable two-filter radon monitor with a calibration traceable to the International System of Units, and demonstrate the transfer of a traceable calibration from this instrument to a separate monitor under field conditions.