Articles | Volume 43
07 Oct 2016
 | 07 Oct 2016

AlpArray in Austria and Slovakia: technical realization, site description and noise characterization

Florian Fuchs, Petr Kolínský, Gidera Gröschl, Götz Bokelmann, and the AlpArray Working Group

Abstract. We report the technical realization and performance of thirty temporary seismic broadband deployments for the AlpArray project in eastern Austria and western Slovakia. Reftek 151 60s sensors and Reftek 130/130S digitizers form the core instrumentation of our seismic stations; these are mostly installed inside abandoned or occasionally used basements or cellars in small buildings or huts. We describe our type of installation and briefly introduce the site conditions for each of the thirty installations. We present a probabilistic power spectral density analysis to assess the noise conditions at all sites and potential relations to the installation design.

Short summary
For comparison and as guideline for future seismic experiments we describe our efforts during the installation of thirty temporary seismic stations in Eastern Austria and Western Slovakia. The stations – deployed in the framework of the AlpArray project – are commonly placed in abandoned or unused cellars or buildings. We describe the technical realization of the deployment and discuss the seismic noise conditions at each site and potential relations to geology or station design.