Articles | Volume 42
29 Aug 2016
 | 29 Aug 2016

Relationships between tuna catch and variable frequency oceanographic conditions

Franklin Isaac Ormaza-González, Alejandra Mora-Cervetto, and Raquel María Bermúdez-Martínez

Data sets

Improvements NOAAs Historical Merged Land--Ocean Temp Analysis (1880-2006) ( T. M. Smith, R. W. Reynolds, T. C. Peterson, and J. Lawrimore

El Niño and La Niña Years and Intensities Based on Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) J. Null

El Niño/Southern Oscillation behavior since 1871 as diagnosed in an extended multivariate ENSO index 110 (MEI.ext) K. Wolter and M. S. Timlin

Fishery Status Report - Informe de la Situación de la Pesquería No. 12 IATTC

Short summary
This Paper endeavors to find or understand the relationships between tuna landings and dramatic events as El Niño in the Central Eastern Pacific and visualize the impact of long term oscillations, like the Pacific decadal Oscillation (PDO). Here for the first time tuna landing, fish efforts and the El Niño indexes (ONI and MEI) are correlated to find how the later affect the tuna fishery. Special attention has been put on tuna landings in Ecuador.