The Horizon Europe AGEMERA Project: Innovative Non-Invasive Geophysical Methodologies for Mineral Exploration
Jari Joutsenvaara
Kerttu Saalasti Institute, University of Oulu, Nivala, Finland
Muon Solutions Oy Ltd, Pyhäsalmi, Finland
Marko Holma
Kerttu Saalasti Institute, University of Oulu, Nivala, Finland
Muon Solutions Oy Ltd, Pyhäsalmi, Finland
Pasi Kuusiniemi
Muon Solutions Oy Ltd, Pyhäsalmi, Finland
Jarmo Korteniemi
Muon Solutions Oy Ltd, Pyhäsalmi, Finland
Helena Seivane
Geosciencies Barcelona GEO3BCN-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
David Marti-Linares
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME), CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Martin Schimmel
Geosciencies Barcelona GEO3BCN-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
Giulio Casini
LITHICA SCCL, Sta Coloma de Farners, Spain
Grant George Buffett
LITHICA SCCL, Sta Coloma de Farners, Spain
Markku Pirttijärvi
Radai Ltd, Oulu, Finland
Ari Saartenoja
Radai Ltd, Oulu, Finland
Barbara Štimac Tumara
OPT/NET B.V., Noord Holland, the Netherlands
Ivan Kapustin
OPT/NET B.V., Noord Holland, the Netherlands
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Jordi Díaz, Sergi Ventosa, Martin Schimmel, Mario Ruiz, Albert Macau, Anna Gabàs, David Martí, Özgenç Akin, and Jaume Vergés
Solid Earth, 14, 499–514,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
We assess the capability of multiple methods based on the interpretation of seismic noise to map the basement of the Cerdanya Basin, located in the eastern Pyrenees. Basement depth estimations retrieved from the different approaches are consistent, with maximum depths reaching 700 m close to the Têt fault bounding the basin to the east. Our results prove that seismic noise analysis using high-density networks is an excellent tool to improve the geological characterization of sedimentary basins.
Robert Jackisch, Björn H. Heincke, Robert Zimmermann, Erik V. Sørensen, Markku Pirttijärvi, Moritz Kirsch, Heikki Salmirinne, Stefanie Lode, Urpo Kuronen, and Richard Gloaguen
Solid Earth, 13, 793–825,,, 2022
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We integrate UAS-based magnetic and multispectral data with legacy exploration data of a Ni–Cu–PGE prospect on Disko Island, West Greenland. The basalt unit has a complex magnetization, and we use a constrained 3D magnetic vector inversion to estimate magnetic properties and spatial dimensions of the target unit. Our 3D modelling reveals a horizontal sheet and a strong remanent magnetization component. We highlight the advantage of UAS use in rugged and remote terrain.
Puy Ayarza, José Ramón Martínez Catalán, Ana Martínez García, Juan Alcalde, Juvenal Andrés, José Fernando Simancas, Immaculada Palomeras, David Martí, Irene DeFelipe, Chris Juhlin, and Ramón Carbonell
Solid Earth, 12, 1515–1547,,, 2021
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Short summary
Vertical incidence seismic profiling on the Iberian Massif images a mid-crustal-scale discontinuity at the top of the reflective lower crust. This feature shows that upper- and lower-crustal reflections merge into it, suggesting that it has often behaved as a detachment. The orogen-scale extension of this discontinuity, present in Gondwanan and Avalonian affinity terranes into the Iberian Massif, demonstrates its relevance, leading us to interpret it as the Conrad discontinuity.
Juvenal Andrés, Puy Ayarza, Martin Schimmel, Imma Palomeras, Mario Ruiz, and Ramon Carbonell
Solid Earth, 11, 2499–2513,,, 2020
Juvenal Andrés, Deyan Draganov, Martin Schimmel, Puy Ayarza, Imma Palomeras, Mario Ruiz, and Ramon Carbonell
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Short summary
The AGEMERA project (Agile Exploration and Geo-Modelling for European Critical Raw Materials) enhances EU critical raw materials exploration by integrating non-invasive methods such as ambient noise passive seismic, drone-based surveys, and muography. These technologies map bedrock properties and resource distribution effectively, feeding data into a comprehensive web-based repository for strategic analysis.
The AGEMERA project (Agile Exploration and Geo-Modelling for European Critical Raw Materials)...