Articles | Volume 63
26 Jun 2024
 | 26 Jun 2024

The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff record in the Gaeta Gulf (Eastern Tyrrhenian margin, Southern Italy)

Marina Iorio, Agostino Meo, Gemma Aiello, and Maria Rosaria Senatore

Cited articles

Acocella, V.: Activating and reactivating pairs of nested collapses during caldera forming eruptions: Campi Flegrei (Italy). Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L17304,, 2008. 
Aiello, G.: The Volturno Basin (Southern Italy): insights into the seismo-stratigraphy and structure of the Campania Plain (Southern Italy), Horizons Earth Sci. Res., 17, 1–37,, 2017. 
Aiello, G.: A review of the CARG Project of the Campania Region (marine counterpart; southern Tyrrhenian Sea): New perspectives in marine geology and cartography, J. Geogr. Cartogr., 6, 1–28,, 2023. 
Aiello, G. and Caccavale, M.: The Coastal Areas of the Bay of Naples: The Sedimentary Dynamics and Geological Evolution of the Naples Canyons, Geosciences, 13, 226,, 2023a. 
Aiello, G. and Caccavale, M.: A Seismo-Stratigraphic Analysis of the Relict Deposits of the Cilento Continental Shelf (Southern Italy), Proceedings, 87, 10,, 2023b. 
Short summary
15ky ago a great eruption occurred in the Campi Flegrei. The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff, produced by this eruption extended itself for more than 1000 km2 and represents an easily recognizable level both in the Tyrrhenian Sea and on land. Here, through a seismostratigraphic study, we have identified and described the extension of these deposits in the Gulf of Gaeta. Knowing the areal extension of the Campi Flegrei eruptions deposits, helps to build volcanic risk maps for an area densely populated.