Articles | Volume 59
14 Oct 2022
 | 14 Oct 2022

Occurrence of pharmaceuticals and risk assessment in urban groundwater

Anna Jurado, Francesc Labad, Laura Scheiber, Rotman Criollo, Olha Nikolenko, Sandra Pérez, and Antoni Ginebreda

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Cited articles

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Fagnani, E., Montemurro, N., and Pérez, S.: Multilayered solid phase extraction and ultra performance liquid chromatographic method for suspect screening of halogenated pharmaceuticals and photo-transformation products in freshwater – comparison between data-dependent and data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry, J. Chromatogr. A, 1663, 462760,, 2022.  
Short summary
The occurrence of pharmaceuticals was investigated in an urban aquifer that might be a resource for water supply. Among the 92 pharmaceuticals, 35 were detected in all groundwater samples, ranging from the low ng/L to 44.5 µg/L. The concentration of some substances decreased along the bank filtration, suggesting the occurrence of natural attenuation processes. Finally, risk quotients showed that these substances did not pose a risk to human health at groundwater measured concentrations.