Articles | Volume 58
10 Jan 2023
 | 10 Jan 2023

Inverse flow zone characterization using distributed temperature sensing in a deep geothermal production well located in the Southern German Molasse Basin

Felix Schölderle, Daniela Pfrang, and Kai Zosseder

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Dynamic motion monitoring of a 3.6 km long steel rod in a borehole during cold-water injection with distributed fiber-optic sensing
Martin Peter Lipus, Felix Schölderle, Thomas Reinsch, Christopher Wollin, Charlotte Krawczyk, Daniela Pfrang, and Kai Zosseder
Solid Earth, 13, 161–176,,, 2022
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
In 2019, a fiber optic cable was installed in the middle of a deep geothermal production well to the reservoir in Munich, Germany. This cable hangs freely below the pump and allows continuous measurements of the temperature at every meter of the cable. The well was put into operation for the first time in the summer of 2021. We used the fiber optic cable to monitor the temperature profile during production in the reservoir and to quantitatively interpret the flow zones using an inverse model.