Articles | Volume 43
09 Nov 2016
 | 09 Nov 2016

The Italian National Seismic Network and the earthquake and tsunami monitoring and surveillance systems

Alberto Michelini, Lucia Margheriti, Marco Cattaneo, Gianpaolo Cecere, Giuseppe D'Anna, Alberto Delladio, Milena Moretti, Stefano Pintore, Alessandro Amato, Alberto Basili, Andrea Bono, Paolo Casale, Peter Danecek, Martina Demartin, Licia Faenza, Valentino Lauciani, Alfonso Giovanni Mandiello, Alessandro Marchetti, Carlo Marcocci, Salvatore Mazza, Francesco Mariano Mele, Anna Nardi, Concetta Nostro, Maurizio Pignone, Matteo Quintiliani, Sandro Rao, Laura Scognamiglio, and Giulio Selvaggi


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Short summary
The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia runs the Italian National Seismic Network (about 400 stations, seismometers, accelerometers and GPS antennas) and other networks at national scale for monitoring earthquakes and tsunami as a part of the National Civil Protection System coordinated by the Italian Department of Civil Protection. This work summarises the acquisition and the distribution of the data and the analysis that are carried out for seismic surveillance and tsunami alert.