Can small pelagic fish landings be used as predictors of high-frequency oceanographic fluctuations in the 1–2 El Niño region?
Franklin Isaac Ormaza-González
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Vía Perimetral
km 30.5, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Alejandra Mora-Cervetto
Universidad Espíritu Santo, Vía Samborondon km 2.5,
Samborondon, Ecuador
Raquel María Bermúdez-Martínez
Universidad Espíritu Santo, Vía Samborondon km 2.5,
Samborondon, Ecuador
Mario Armando Hurtado-Domínguez
Instituto Nacional de Pesca del Ecuador, Letamendi 102 y la
Ría, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Manuel Raúl Peralta-Bravo
Instituto Nacional de Pesca del Ecuador, Letamendi 102 y la
Ría, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Viviana Mariuxi Jurado-Maldonado
Instituto Nacional de Pesca del Ecuador, Letamendi 102 y la
Ría, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Related authors
Franklin Isaac Ormaza-González and María Esther Espinoza-Celi
Ocean Sci. Discuss.,,, 2018
Revised manuscript not accepted
Short summary
Short summary
Sea surface temperature is affected by sun energy which in turn varies in time due to astronomical factors and sun activity. The activity can be estimated by sun spots (SS). Some oceanographic events like inter-annual El/La Niño/Niña as well as decadal processes should be affected by SS. It was found correlation between SS and various oceanographic indexes in time series from 1954 to 2017. This fact should be considered when dealing and modelling forecasts of such indexes.
Franklin Isaac Ormaza-González, Alejandra Mora-Cervetto, and Raquel María Bermúdez-Martínez
Adv. Geosci., 42, 83–90,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
This Paper endeavors to find or understand the relationships between tuna landings and dramatic events as El Niño in the Central Eastern Pacific and visualize the impact of long term oscillations, like the Pacific decadal Oscillation (PDO). Here for the first time tuna landing, fish efforts and the El Niño indexes (ONI and MEI) are correlated to find how the later affect the tuna fishery. Special attention has been put on tuna landings in Ecuador.
Franklin Isaac Ormaza-González and María Esther Espinoza-Celi
Ocean Sci. Discuss.,,, 2018
Revised manuscript not accepted
Short summary
Short summary
Sea surface temperature is affected by sun energy which in turn varies in time due to astronomical factors and sun activity. The activity can be estimated by sun spots (SS). Some oceanographic events like inter-annual El/La Niño/Niña as well as decadal processes should be affected by SS. It was found correlation between SS and various oceanographic indexes in time series from 1954 to 2017. This fact should be considered when dealing and modelling forecasts of such indexes.
Franklin Isaac Ormaza-González, Alejandra Mora-Cervetto, and Raquel María Bermúdez-Martínez
Adv. Geosci., 42, 83–90,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
This Paper endeavors to find or understand the relationships between tuna landings and dramatic events as El Niño in the Central Eastern Pacific and visualize the impact of long term oscillations, like the Pacific decadal Oscillation (PDO). Here for the first time tuna landing, fish efforts and the El Niño indexes (ONI and MEI) are correlated to find how the later affect the tuna fishery. Special attention has been put on tuna landings in Ecuador.
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Short summary
The paper originally presented a different approach to using the El Niño indexes (ONI and MEI) in relation to small pelagic landings in Ecuador. Apart from finding relationships from a statistical point of view, the results of present work give an idea how much high- and low-frequency events can affect these fisheries, which are very important for the Ecuadorian economy and an employment asset. These results will enable fishermen and fish resource managers to somehow see ahead in a short time.
The paper originally presented a different approach to using the El Niño indexes (ONI and MEI)...