Articles | Volume 42
25 Aug 2016
 | 25 Aug 2016

Can small pelagic fish landings be used as predictors of high-frequency oceanographic fluctuations in the 1–2 El Niño region?

Franklin Isaac Ormaza-González, Alejandra Mora-Cervetto, Raquel María Bermúdez-Martínez, Mario Armando Hurtado-Domínguez, Manuel Raúl Peralta-Bravo, and Viviana Mariuxi Jurado-Maldonado


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Short summary
The paper originally presented a different approach to using the El Niño indexes (ONI and MEI) in relation to small pelagic landings in Ecuador. Apart from finding relationships from a statistical point of view, the results of present work give an idea how much high- and low-frequency events can affect these fisheries, which are very important for the Ecuadorian economy and an employment asset. These results will enable fishermen and fish resource managers to somehow see ahead in a short time.