Articles | Volume 41
16 Oct 2015
 | 16 Oct 2015

Site selection for a countrywide temporary network in Austria: noise analysis and preliminary performance

F. Fuchs, P. Kolínský, G. Gröschl, M.-T. Apoloner, E. Qorbani, F. Schneider, and G. Bokelmann

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Cited articles

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Forbinger, T.: Recommendations for seismometer deployment and shielding, in: New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice 2 (NMSOP-2), edited by: Bormann, P., Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Potsdam, Germany, 1–10,, 2012.
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Short summary
Site selection is a crucial part of the work flow for installing seismic stations. Here, we report the preparations for a countrywide temporary seismic network in Austria. We present probabilistic power spectral density analysis to assess noise conditions at selected sites and show exemplary seismic events that were recorded by the preliminary network by the end of July 2015.