Lessons from national approaches: a long uphill struggle in search of sites for repositories for nuclear waste locations
Thomas Flüeler
Department of Environmental Systems Science, Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Commission de suivi, République et Canton du Jura, Mont Terri Underground Rock Laboratory, 2800 Delémont, Switzerland
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Short summary
Dealing with the sociotechnical system of nuclear waste needs an integrated perspective. Its global blockage is due to the neglect of relevant issues. The concept of sustainability (passive protection & control) suggests itself as a reference, enabling a stepwise analysis of dimensions: beyond the triad of ecological/economical/social, also temporal, spatial, technical, political, ethical. The proposal avoids simple complexity reduction, either “technical” or “social fix” (volunteers first).
Dealing with the sociotechnical system of nuclear waste needs an integrated perspective. Its...