Articles | Volume 59
15 Nov 2022
 | 15 Nov 2022

Insights on the hydrological cycle and its interaction with anthropic pressures: the Katari basin and minor Titicaca lake

Rotman A. Criollo Manjarrez, Laura Scheiber, Laura Poza, Sonia Valdivielso Mijangos, Pedro Simunovic, and Enric Vázquez-Suñé


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Short summary
In the current climate and socioeconomic context, The Katari and Minor Lake Titicaca basin (Bolivia) has special interest because of the sensitive and vulnerable environment and ecosystems around the Titicaca Lake. These environments support traditional local human populations and other beneficial human activities. That is why we made workshops with local authorities and performed a global vision of the aquifer behavior and its vulnerability, which would generate a better decision-make process.