Articles | Volume 58
18 Jan 2023
 | 18 Jan 2023

TransPyREnd: a code for modelling the transport of radionuclides on geological timescales

Christoph Behrens, Elco Luijendijk, Phillip Kreye, Florian Panitz, Merle Bjorge, Marlene Gelleszun, Alexander Renz, Shorash Miro, and Wolfram Rühaak

Related authors

Development of a database for the analysis of the disposal system in the representative preliminary safety analysis
Eva-Maria Hoyer, Paulina Müller, Phillip Kreye, Christoph Behrens, Marc Wengler, Tobias Wengorsch, and Wolfram Rühaak
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 1, 39–40,,, 2021

Cited articles

Bateman, H.: The solution of a system of differential equations occurring in the theory of radioactive transformations, Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 15, 423–427, 1910. a
Bear, J.: Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, ISBN13 9780486656755, 1972. a
BGE: Zwischenbericht Teilgebiete gemäß § 13 StandAG, (last access: 13 January 2023), 2020. a
BGE: Konzept zur Durchführung der repräsentativen vorläufigen Sicherheitsuntersuchungen gemäß Endlagersicherheitsuntersuchungsverordnung, Tech. rep., BGE mbH, (last access: 13 January 2023), 2022a. a
BGE: Methodenbeschreibung zur Durchführung der repräsentativen vorläufigen Sicherheitsuntersuchungen gemäß Endlagersicherheitsuntersuchungsverordnung, Tech. rep., BGE mbH, (last access: 13 January 2023), 2022b. a
Short summary
The mathematical basics of a numerical code developed specifically for the search of a site for high-level radioactive waste in Germany is presented. The code is developed in accordance to the specific regulations. First tests of the code are shown.