Subsurface seismic imaging with a hammer drilling source at an exploration drilling test center in Örebro, Sweden
Monika Ivandic
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 75236, Sweden
Ayse Kaslilar
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 75236, Sweden
Christopher Juhlin
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 75236, Sweden
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Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 1053–1071,,, 2021
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Seismic data provide critical information about the structure of the lithosphere, and their preservation is essential for innovative research reusing data. The Seismic DAta REpository (SeisDARE) comprises legacy and recently acquired seismic data in the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco. This database has been built by a network of different institutions that promote multidisciplinary research. We aim to make seismic data easily available to the research, industry, and educational communities.
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The Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides project provides insights into the deep structure and bedrock of a ca. 400 Ma old major orogen to study deformation processes that are hidden at depth from direct access in modern mountain belts. This paper describes the successful operations at the second site. It provides an overview of the retrieved geological section that differs from the expected and summarises the scientific potential of the accomplished data sets and drill core.
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Vertical incidence seismic profiling on the Iberian Massif images a mid-crustal-scale discontinuity at the top of the reflective lower crust. This feature shows that upper- and lower-crustal reflections merge into it, suggesting that it has often behaved as a detachment. The orogen-scale extension of this discontinuity, present in Gondwanan and Avalonian affinity terranes into the Iberian Massif, demonstrates its relevance, leading us to interpret it as the Conrad discontinuity.
Irene DeFelipe, Juan Alcalde, Monika Ivandic, David Martí, Mario Ruiz, Ignacio Marzán, Jordi Diaz, Puy Ayarza, Imma Palomeras, Jose-Luis Fernandez-Turiel, Cecilia Molina, Isabel Bernal, Larry Brown, Roland Roberts, and Ramon Carbonell
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 1053–1071,,, 2021
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Seismic data provide critical information about the structure of the lithosphere, and their preservation is essential for innovative research reusing data. The Seismic DAta REpository (SeisDARE) comprises legacy and recently acquired seismic data in the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco. This database has been built by a network of different institutions that promote multidisciplinary research. We aim to make seismic data easily available to the research, industry, and educational communities.
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Ruth A. Beckel and Christopher Juhlin
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Scandinavia is crossed by extensive fault scarps that have likely been caused by huge earthquakes when the ice sheets of the last glacial melted. Due to the inaccessibility of the terrain, reflection seismic data have to be collected along crooked lines, which reduces the imaging quality unless special corrections are applied. We developed a new correction method that is very tolerant to noise and used it to improve the reflection image of such a fault and refine its geological interpretation.
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Christopher Juhlin, Peter Hedin, David G. Gee, Henning Lorenz, Thomas Kalscheuer, and Ping Yan
Solid Earth, 7, 769–787,,, 2016
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For this paper, ca. 55 km high-resolution reflection seismic data were interpreted using constraints from magnetotelluric, potential field, and geological data. The resulting integrated geological-geophysical section through the central Caledonides in Sweden provides new insights about the regional tectonic setting, and supplies the basis for siting the second drill hole of the Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) scientific drilling project.
O. Ahmadi, C. Juhlin, M. Ask, and B. Lund
Solid Earth, 6, 621–632,,, 2015
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The Pärvie fault system extends up to 155km, and its scarps have offsets of tens of meters at the surface in northern Sweden. These fault scarps are inferred to have formed during earthquakes with magnitudes up to 8 at the time of the last deglaciation. In this study, we have mapped the fault system to deeper levels, by a new 22km long 2-D seismic reflection profile. Based on the present and previous seismic data, locations for future boreholes for drilling into the fault system are proposed.
H. Lorenz, J.-E. Rosberg, C. Juhlin, L. Bjelm, B. S. G. Almqvist, T. Berthet, R. Conze, D. G. Gee, I. Klonowska, C. Pascal, K. Pedersen, N. M. W. Roberts, and C.-F. Tsang
Sci. Dril., 19, 1–11,,, 2015
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The Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) scientific drilling project successfully drilled a 2.5km fully cored borehole (COSC-1) through allochthonous subduction-related high-grade metamorphic gneisses and into the underlying thrust zone. This paper summarizes the scientific rationale of the project and presents first preliminary results.
J. Alcalde, D. Martí, C. Juhlin, A. Malehmir, D. Sopher, E. Saura, I. Marzán, P. Ayarza, A. Calahorrano, A. Pérez-Estaún, and R. Carbonell
Solid Earth, 4, 481–496,,, 2013
P. Skyttä, T. Bauer, T. Hermansson, M. Dehghannejad, C. Juhlin, M. García Juanatey, J. Hübert, and P. Weihed
Solid Earth, 4, 387–404,,, 2013
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Short summary
Seismic imaging while drilling (SWD) technology offers possibilities of imaging ahead of the drill-bit, which is valuable information for optimizing drilling efficiency. An SWD field test was carried out in August 2020 at an exploration drilling test site in Örebro, Sweden, with the aim to determine if the signals from hammer drilling can be used for seismic imaging around the drill-bit. A comparison with the seismic data generated with a conventional seismic source shows reasonable agreement.
Seismic imaging while drilling (SWD) technology offers possibilities of imaging ahead of the...