Articles | Volume 49
15 Aug 2019
 | 15 Aug 2019

The Energy Transition between profitability, participation and acceptance – considering the interests of project developers, residents, and environmentalists

Stephan Bosch, Joachim Rathmann, and Lucas Schwarz

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Geogr. Helv., 77, 523–546,,, 2022
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Ungerechte Energielandschaften – die Produktion von Raum im Kontext der Transformation des deutschen Energiesystems
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Geogr. Helv., 75, 235–251,,, 2020
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Deployment of Renewable Energies in Germany: Spatial Principles and their Practical Implications Based on a GIS-Tool
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Adv. Geosci., 45, 115–123,,, 2018
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Raumverträglicher Ausbau von erneuerbaren Energien – ein alternativer Standortplanungsansatz für eine nachhaltige Energiewende
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Geogr. Helv., 71, 29–45,,, 2016
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Cited articles

Aitken, M.: Why we still don't understand the social aspects of wind power: A critique of key assumptions within the literature, Energ. Policy, 38, 1834–1841,, 2010. 
Baka, J.: The Political Construction of Wasteland: Governmentality, Land Acquisition and Social Inequality in South India, Dev. Change, 44, 409–428,, 2013. 
Becker, S., Gailing, L., and Naumann, M.: Neue Energielandschaften – Neue Akteurslandschaften: Eine Bestandsaufnahme in Brandenburg, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Berlin, 67 pp., 2012. 
Bell, D., Gray, T., and Haggett, C.: The “Social Gap” in Wind Farm Siting Decisions: Explanations and Policy Responses, Environ. Polit., 14, 460–477,, 2005. 
Bell, D., Gray, T., Haggett, C., and Swaffield, J.: Re-visiting the `social gap': public opinion and relations of power in the local politics of wind energy, Environ. Polit., 22, 115–135,, 2013. 
Short summary
The aim of the study is to identify the essential parameters of a sustainable expansion of renewable energies from the diversity of potential influencing factors and to illustrate them based on a regional case study. The analyses reveal the great regional assertiveness of photovoltaics, whereby wind energy can assert itself due to social parameters also at some locations, particularly in the central part of the study area, against the economically often better positioned photovoltaics.