Articles | Volume 49
30 Oct 2019
 | 30 Oct 2019

Understanding the evolution of nuclear waste repositories by performing appropriate experiments – selected investigations at Mont Terri rock laboratory

Kristof Schuster, Markus Furche, Hua Shao, Jürgen Hesser, Jan-Martin Hertzsch, Werner Gräsle, and Dorothee Rebscher

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Methods for the quantification of uncertainties in thermo–hydro–mechanical simulations for safety analyses and influence of modelling decisions
Thomas Nagel, Maximilian Bittens, Jörg Buchwald, Aqeel A. Chaudhry, Oliver G. Ernst, Werner Gräsle, Feliks Kiszkurno, Kata Kurgyis, Jobst Maßmann, Sibylle Mayr, Jan Thiedau, and Chao Zhang
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Challenges for geomechanical laboratory analyses of claystones with regard to the time frame of the site selection process
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Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 2, 75–75,,, 2023
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Hydration and response of an experimental Sandwich shaft-sealing system at the Mont Terri rock laboratory
Matthias Hinze, Klaus Wieczorek, Katja Emmerich, Jürgen Hesser, Markus Furche, Hua Shao, David Jaeggi, Senecio Schefer, Thomas Nagel, Juan Carlos Mayor, Simon Norris, Kim Chang-Seok, Philipp Schädle, José Luis García-Siñeriz, Rainer Schuhmann, Franz Königer, Uwe Glaubach, Christopher Rölke, and Ralf Diedel
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Large-scale testing of a sandwich shaft-sealing system at the Mont Terri rock laboratory
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Cited articles

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Short summary
The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) performs experiments in the Swiss Mont Terri rock laboratory to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of a repository. Activities and results by BGR from actual and still ongoing experiments are presented exemplarily focusing on main aspects regarding the behaviour of underground facilities. BGR's focus lies mainly on aspects of the construction, post-closure transient, and partly post-closure equilibrium phases.