Articles | Volume 45
10 Aug 2018
 | 10 Aug 2018

Methane and ethane emission scenarios for potential shale gas production in Europe

Antoon J. H. Visschedijk, Hugo A. C. Denier van der Gon, Hans C. Doornenbal, and Lorenzo Cremonese


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Short summary
Electricity produced by gas instead of coal is more climate-friendly as it emits 2 times less CO2 but with methane leakage rates > 3 % of production this advantage is lost. Ethane in (shale)gas can be used to identify gas leakage. The ratio of ethane/methane for European shale gas plays is derived and emission under different production and leakage scenarios is quantified. This can be used to design an atmospheric monitoring system that alerts competent authorities if unacceptable leakage occurs.