Articles | Volume 45
16 Jul 2018
 | 16 Jul 2018

The Alvarrões-Gonçalo Li project: an example of sustainable lithium mining

Rui Sousa, Violeta Ramos, Alexandra Guedes, Fernando Noronha, Ana Botelho de Sousa, Mário Machado Leite, Reimar Seltmann, and Alla Dolgopolova

Cited articles

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Short summary
Froth flotation is being tested in Gonçalo pegmatites to produce a lepidolite concentrate. The flotation rejects are mainly composed by a mixture of feldspar, quartz and non-recovered lepidolite (very low content). The scenario could be improved by applying froth flotation also for feldspar/quartz separation: the feldspar concentrate can be used to produce sanitary ware and tiles and quartz for glass and silica flour, reaching an almost zero waste production.