Articles | Volume 43
12 Oct 2016
 | 12 Oct 2016

Swiss-AlpArray temporary broadband seismic stations deployment and noise characterization

Irene Molinari, John Clinton, Edi Kissling, György Hetényi, Domenico Giardini, Josip Stipčević, Iva Dasović, Marijan Herak, Vesna Šipka, Zoltán Wéber, Zoltán Gráczer, Stefano Solarino, the Swiss-AlpArray Field Team, and the AlpArray Working Group

Abstract. AlpArray is a large collaborative seismological project in Europe that includes more than 50 research institutes and seismological observatories. At the heart of the project is the collection of top-quality seismological data from a dense network of broadband temporary seismic stations, in compliment to the existing permanent networks, that ensures a homogeneous station coverage of the greater Alpine region. This Alp Array Seismic Network (AASN) began operation in January 2016 and will have a duration of at least 2 years. In this work we report the Swiss contribution to the AASN, we concentrate on the site selection process, our methods for stations installation, data quality and data management. We deployed 27 temporary broadband stations equipped with STS-2 and Trillium Compact 120 s sensors.

The deployment and maintenance of the temporary stations across 5 countries is managed by ETH Zurich and it is the result of a fruitful collaboration between five institutes in Europe.

Short summary
AlpArray is a collaborative seismological project in Europe that includes ~ 50 research institutes and seismological observatories. At its heart is the collection of top-quality seismological data from a dense network of stations in the Alpine region: the AlpArray Seismic Network (AASN). We report the Swiss contribution: site selections, installation, data quality and management. We deployed 27 temporary BB stations across 5 countries as result of a fruitful collaboration between 5 institutes.