Articles | Volume 42
08 Mar 2016
 | 08 Mar 2016

The impact of phenomena El Niño and La Niña and other environmental factors on episodes of acute diarrhoea disease in the population of Aguascalientes, Mexico: a case study

Martha Esthela Venegas-Pérez, Elsa Marcela Ramírez-López, Armando López-Santos, Víctor Orlando Magaña-Rueda, and Francisco Javier Avelar-González

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Short summary
Acute diarrhoea diseases (ADDs) are one of the major health problems in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Due to the risk of significant increases of ADDs in the hot season, it has been necessary to determine the weather conditions that might lead to escalating ADD events. The effects of El Niño and La Niña phenomena on the morbidity rate of ADD (MRADD) in the State of Aguascalientes were determined during the period of 2000–2010. The MRADD was calculated from cases reported by the State Health Department.