Articles | Volume 41
04 Apr 2016
 | 04 Apr 2016

"SeismoSAT" project results in connecting seismic data centres via satellite

Damiano Pesaresi, Wolfgang Lenhardt, Markus Rauch, Mladen Živčić, Rudolf Steiner, Michele Bertoni, and Heimo Delazer

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Cited articles

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP):, last access: 4 December 2015.
Bragato, P. L., Costa, G., Fitzko, F., Horn, N., Priolo, E., Kobal, M., Suhadolc, P., and Živčić, M.: The INTERREG IIIA Project: “Trans-National Seismological Networks in the South-eastern Alps”, ESC XXIX General Assembly, Potsdam, Germany, 13–17 September 2004, 2004.
Bragato, P. L., Costa, G., Horn, N., Pahor, J., Pesaresi, D., Lenhardt, W., and Živčić, M.: The usage of Antelope for acquiring end exchanging data in South-Eastern Alps: present configuration and future perspectives, ESC XXXII General Assembly, Montpellier, France, 6–10 September 2010, 2010.
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Interreg IV Italia-Austria: (last access: 22 October 2015), 2007.
Short summary
Since 2002 OGS in Italy, ZAMG in Austria and ARSO in Slovenia were exchanging seismic data in real time via internet. This was not good for civil defense scopes because internet is not reliable: therefore, in 2012 the Protezione Civile di Bolzano in Italy joined OGS, ZAMG and ARSO in the Interreg IV Italia-Austria "SeismoSAT" project aimed in connecting the seismic data centers in real time via satellite.