Articles | Volume 41
31 Aug 2015
 | 31 Aug 2015

Modeling and detection of regional depth phases at the GERES array

M.-T. Apoloner and G. Bokelmann

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Apoloner, M.-T. and Bokelmann, G.: Ebreichsdorf 2013 Earthquake Series: Relative Location, in: EGU General Assembly, 12–17 April 2015, Vienna, Austria, 2015.
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Short summary
For this study we use seismic array data from GERES. It is 220 km to the North West of the Vienna Basin, which - according to literature - is a suitable distance to recover PmP and sPmP phases. We use array processing on recent earthquake data from the Vienna Basin with local magnitudes from 2.1 to 4.2 to search for RDP. At the same time, we do similar processing on synthetic data specially modeled for this application.Comparing with synthetic seismograms we identify PmP and PbP phases.