Articles | Volume 38
25 Jul 2014
 | 25 Jul 2014

Impact of a tsunami generated at the Lesser Antilles subduction zone on the Northern Atlantic Ocean coastlines

J. Roger, A. Frère, and H. Hébert

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Forearc crustal faulting and estimated worst-case tsunami scenario in the upper plate of subduction zones. Case study of the Morne Piton Fault system (Lesser Antilles, Guadeloupe Archipelago)
Melody Philippon, Jean Roger, Jean Frédéric Lebrun, Isabelle Thinon, Océane Foix, Stéphane Mazzotti, Marc-André Gutscher, Leny Montheil, and Jean-Jacques Cornée
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for NHESS
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A brief history of tsunamis in the Vanuatu Arc
Jean Roger and Bernard Pelletier
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,,, 2023
Preprint under review for NHESS
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Potential tsunami hazard of the southern Vanuatu subduction zone: tectonics, case study of the Matthew Island tsunami of 10 February 2021 and implication in regional hazard assessment
Jean Roger, Bernard Pelletier, Aditya Gusman, William Power, Xiaoming Wang, David Burbidge, and Maxime Duphil
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 393–414,,, 2023
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The Mw 7.5 Tadine (Maré, Loyalty Islands) earthquake and related tsunami of 5 December 2018: seismotectonic context and numerical modeling
Jean Roger, Bernard Pelletier, Maxime Duphil, Jérôme Lefèvre, Jérôme Aucan, Pierre Lebellegard, Bruce Thomas, Céline Bachelier, and David Varillon
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 3489–3508,,, 2021
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Update of the tsunami catalogue of New Caledonia using a decision table based on seismic data and marigraphic records
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Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 1471–1483,,, 2019
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Cited articles

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Allgeyer, S., Hébert, H., and Madariaga, R.: Modelling the tsunami free oscillations in the Marquesas (French Polynesia), Geophys. J. Int., 193, 1447–1459,, 2013.
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