Articles | Volume 38
07 Mar 2014
 | 07 Mar 2014

Effects of 2010 Hurricane Earl amidst geologic evidence for greater overwash at Anegada, British Virgin Islands

B. F. Atwater, Z. Fuentes, R. B. Halley, U. S. Ten Brink, and M. P. Tuttle

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A coral-rubble ridge as evidence for hurricane overwash, Anegada (British Virgin Islands)
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Adv. Geosci., 38, 9–20,,, 2014

Cited articles

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Atwater, B. F., ten Brink, U. S., Feuillet, N., Fuentes Figueroa, Z., Halley, R. B., Tuttle, M. P., Wei, Y., and Weil Accardo, J.: Geologic evidence for a medieval tsunami with an eastern source along the Puerto Rico Trench, 2012 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, USA, 3–7 December 2012, Abstract T41A-2566, 2012a.
Atwater, B. F., ten Brink, U. S., Buckley, M., Halley, R. B., Jaffe, B. E., López-Venegas, A. M., Reinhardt, E. G., Tuttle, M. P., Watt, S., and Wei, Y.: Geomorphic and stratigraphic evidence for an unusual tsunami or storm a few centuries ago at Anegada, British Virgin Islands, Nat. Hazards, 63, 51–84,, 2012b.
Atwater, B. F., Cisternas, M., Yulianto, E., Prendergast, A. L., Jankaew, K., Eipert, A. A., Fernando, W. I. S., Tejakusuma, I., Schiappacasse, L., and Sawai, Y.: The 1960 tsunami on beach-ridge plains near Maullín, Chile: landward descent, renewed breaches, aggraded fans, multiple predecessors, Andean Geol., 40, 393–418,, 2013.
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