Articles | Volume 35
10 Jan 2014
 | 10 Jan 2014

Weather and climate socio-economic impacts in Central America for the management and protection of world heritage sites and the Diquis Delta culture in Costa Rica (a case study)

J. A. Amador and E. J. Alfaro

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Interannual variability of the midsummer drought in Central America and the connection with sea surface temperatures
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Cited articles

Alfaro, E.: Response of Air Surface Temperatures over Central America to Oceanic Climate Variability Indices, Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos, 7, 63–72, 2000.
Alfaro, E.: Some Characteristics of the Annual Precipitation Cycle in Central America and their Relationships with its Surrounding Tropical Oceans, Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos, 9, 88–103, 2002.
Alfaro, E. and Quesada A.: Ocurrencia de ciclones tropicales en el Mar Caribe y sus impactos sobre Centroamérica, Revista Intersedes, 11, 136–153, 2010.
Alfaro, E., Quesada, A., and Solano, F.: Análisis del impacto en Costa Rica de los ciclones tropicales ocurridos en el Mar Caribe desde 1968 al 2007, Revista Diálogos, 11, 22–38, 2010.
Amador, J. A.: A climatic feature of the tropical Americas: The trade wind easterly jet, Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos., 5, 91–102, 1998.