Articles | Volume 35
25 Jun 2013
 | 25 Jun 2013

Construction of intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves for precipitation with annual maxima data in Rwanda, Central Africa

G. R. Demarée and H. Van de Vyver

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Clim. Past, 15, 1861–1884,,, 2019
Short summary

Cited articles

Bultot, F. and Griffiths, J. F.: Rwanda and Burundi, World Survey of Climatology, Vol. 10, Climates of Africa, edited by: Landsberg, H. E., Elsevier Publishing Company, 349–368, 1971.
Coles, S.: An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values, Springer Series in Statistics, London, 2001.
Crabbé, M.: Recueil d'instructions relatives au réseau d'écoclimatologie (4e édition), République Démocratique du Congo, Institut National pour l'Etude Agronomique du Congo (INEAC), Kinshasa, 1971.
ismev: An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values, CRAN – Package, last access: 23 April 2013.
Koutsoyiannis, D., Kozonis, D., and Manetas, A.: A mathematical framework for studying rainfall intensity-duration-frequency relationships, J. Hydrol., 206, 118–135, 1998.