Articles | Volume 25
26 Mar 2010
 | 26 Mar 2010

Spatial relationships of heavy rains in the Czech Republic

S. Bek, J. Ježek, and V. Bližňák

Cited articles

Sokol, Z. and Bližňák, V.: Areal distribution and precipitation–altitude relationship of heavy short-term precipitation in the Czech Republic in the warm part of the year, Atmos. Res.,, in press., 2010.
Trupl, J.: Intesity krátkodobých deš v povodích Labe, Odry a Moravy. (Rain rates of short-term rainfalls in catchments Labe, Odra and Morava). Práce a studie, 97, VÚV, Prague, in Czech, 1958.