Articles | Volume 13
30 Jul 2007
 | 30 Jul 2007

The EuroSprite2005 Observational Campaign: an example of training and outreach opportunities for CAL young scientists

O. Chanrion, N. B. Crosby, E. Arnone, F. Boberg, O. Van der Velde, A. Odzimek, Á. Mika, C.-F. Enell, P. Berg, M. Ignaccolo, R. J. Steiner, S. Laursen, and T. Neubert

Cited articles

Allin, T H., Neubert, T., and Laursen S.: Imaging systems in TLE research, in: Sprites, Elves and Intense Lightning Discharges, edited by: Föllekrug, M., Mareev, E A., and Rycroft, M J., Springer, NATO Science Series, 225, 101–121, 2006.