Articles | Volume 10
26 Apr 2007
 | 26 Apr 2007

On extreme daily precipitation totals at Athens, Greece

P. T. Nastos and C. S. Zerefos

Abstract. The paper studies changes in daily precipitation records at the National Observatory, Athens, during the period 1891–2004. This is the longest available time series of precipitation for Greece. The results show that both the shape and scale parameter of a fitted two parameter gamma distribution for the last two decades do show a significant difference of these parameters, when compared to any previous period from the 1890s through the 1970s. Also important changes are observed in daily precipitation totals exceeding various thresholds such as 10, 20, 30 and 50 mm. More specifically, a negative trend in the number of wet days (remarkable after 1968) and a positive trend in extreme daily precipitation are evident. The changes of heavy and extreme precipitation events in this part of SE Europe have significant environmental consequences which cause considerable damage and loss of life.