Articles | Volume 7
24 Jan 2006
 | 24 Jan 2006

Heavy rain and strong wind events and cyclones in the Balearics

J. Campins, A. Jansà, and A. Genovés

Abstract. The relationship between heavy rain (HR) and/or strong wind (SW) events and cyclones is investigated for the Balearic Islands. First, a list of HR and SW events is cross-referenced with an objective cyclone database for a 9-year period (from June 1995 to May 2004). The presence of a cyclone centre close to the Balearics is looked for each event. For HR events in most of the cases a cyclone centre is located in the vicinity. Furthermore, cyclones are located in such a way that allow the supply of warm and wet air to the affected area. But for SW events, although in the majority of cases a cyclone centre is detected, cyclones are located farther than for HR events and their geographical location is more widespread. Afterwards, the three-dimensional structure of cyclones related to HR and/or SW events is studied in detail.