Articles | Volume 32
11 Dec 2012
 | 11 Dec 2012

Fluxes of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Dissolved Organic Carbon in the inflow of the Lehnmühle reservoir (Saxony) as compared to streams draining three main land-use types in the catchment

R. Benning, K. Schua, K. Schwärzel, and K. H. Feger

Abstract. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of land-use on inputs of nitrogen, phosphorus, and DOC into the inflow of the Lehnmühle reservoir (drinking water supply). Land-use in the study area is dominated by forest, with smaller proportions of grassland and crops. Water quality was analyzed for the hydrological years 2010 and 2011 at the outlets of three small catchments with homogenous land-use (crops, grassland and forest) and at the outlet of the watershed. The highest nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were observed in the streams draining the agricultural areas, and the lowest concentrations were found in the forest catchment. The DOC concentration was highest at the outlet of the watershed whereas the concentrations in the small homogeneous catchments were lower. The information collected about the land-use dependent matter exports in these study areas will be used for climate change impact modeling with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool.
