Articles | Volume 2
09 May 2005
 | 09 May 2005

Clutter and rainfall discrimination by means of doppler-polarimetric measurements and vertical reflectivity profile analysis

F. Silvestro, N. Rebora, L. Ferraris, M. Morando, P. Alberoni, and A. Fornasiero

Abstract. The estimation of rainfall rate and other parameters from radar scattering volume is heavily affected by the presence of intense sea and ground clutter and echoes which appears in anomalous propagation condition. To deal with these non meteorological echoes we present a new clutter removal algorithm which combines the results of previous works. The algorithm fully exploits both the Doppler and polarimetric capabilities of the radar used and the analysis of vertical reflectivity profile in order to achieve the better identification of the meteorological and non-meteorological targets. The algorithm has been applied to the C-band radar of Monte Settepani (Savona, Italy), which runs in a high-topography environment. Preliminary results are presented.